Project Description
The BMW Car Center building was designed according to the Investor`s requirements as a specific-purpose building: for exhibition showroom sale of cars and motor vehicles of BMW and MINI, as well as for their servicing.
Architectural concept follows technical requirements. The building consists of the following parts:
- MINI cars showroom with offices on the gallery
- BMW cars showroom
- Reception area
- Car service with the accompanying staff rooms
- Warehouse area
- Offices on the BMW gallery
- Technical rooms
- 8. According to JUS, the total gross floor area is 4,966.45 m²
The building is free-standing and consists of 3 parts:
BMW showroom, dimensions 21.0m x 48.6m
Servicing workshop, (21.0m + 3.0m) x 84.0m and warehouse 12.0m x 30.0m
MINI showroom 12.0m x 16.0m
It is mainly ground floor building, except for the part for offices and technical rooms.
Project Details
- INVESTOR:Delta motors d.o.o., Kralja Milana 31a
- LOCATION:Radnička 8, Beograd
- DESIGNER:4.966 m²