We agreed upon business complex GTC “Fortyone”, stage A1 on the corner of Bulevara Milutina Milankovića and Bulevara umetnosti streets. Facility A1 has a form of a cube with neat lines. The form is a result of gauges imposed by building line. Floor numbering is -1+0+6. Gross area: 10,633.52 m2. The facility is being built […]
We agreed upon building works of Societe Generale Bank in Block 21 in Novi Beograd. Floor numbering is -2+0+5 with an area of 10,609.28 m2. Free-standing facility is made within building lines towards all four internal communications with bay windows according to the conditions. The facility will apply for LEED Certificate. Investor: “Imel group” d.o.o.
We started the reconstruction of the Embassy of Montenegro building in Čakorska street in Dedinje. Plan area is 145.22 m2. Floor numbering is: ground floor, first floor and attic with floor area of 419.96 m2. Investitor „Dipos“ d.o.o.